Thursday, May 29, 2008
So Many Reasons to Smile
Monday, May 19, 2008
100 Moms and a Giveaway!

I made this painting of my Mom to give to parents came over for dinner too. She is known for that tealish aqua color and her slider necklace!
My paper mache adventure is coming along. Thank you Pea for your made a big difference! :) It feels good to make something out of nothing and I'm realizing just how much paper is coming through my house! Kneading it after the blender is my favorite squishy and relaxing. I am covering everything with my tons and tons of paper mache, but the closest to being done are a few Santas and an angel that decided she would much rather be a mermaid!

Oh and we are making another fairy house...Lil wanted one for our garden too! I have this tree...first it was an orange tree, then the lemons took over...we called it the lemorange tree. I'm kind of bitter (lol) that I have a lemon tree now, but I'm trying to make the best of it. It is now the fairy tree. I use the branches I trim from it to make the houses. The branches that are left are covered in windchimes and a hummingbird feeder...even ribbon! I'm going to decorate it like crazy and Lil's fairy house will be underneath with a fairy bath, mini fountain, and teacup bird feeder. We are also going to get a mister so we can be out more during the summer.
I have some really fun things to share with you all in the next couple weeks...I can't wait! But I hope in the meantime you will settle for a giveaway! I went to Micheals on Sunday and they had the Donna Dewberry how to kit on sale for a buck! It shows how to do nests, hummingbirds, butterfllies, etc. Lil and I sat down to paint and I tried it out....I am on SUCH a bluebird kick these days...funny cause I never ever see one!
It's on acrylic paper, 9x12. If you would like to enter, leave your comment here! I'll draw on Monday. For now I am off to pick up Lil, she only has three more days of being a kindergartener! How did that happen?!
Love to all! Mere
Saturday, May 03, 2008
There is Always Time for Tea

Alice wants you to know that no matter how late you are for your very important date, there is always time for tea. There is always time to stop and smell the roses, whether they be white or red! She is on ebay right now.
While the roses here in the desert are few and far between, your blogs, my dear friends, are roses to me. The weather is heating up and I am going into hibernation mode, but I so enjoy the words and photos you all share. As busy as I am, I simply don't fill guilty about that. :) Thank you!
I have also taken Alice's advice, as well as the advice from a wonderful blogger, Cheryl from Confections by having afternoon tea with my daughter everyday after school. Like Cheryl, I too experience that crazy hour after school and have found that having this time with her really helps! I have tons of china that I use

I think it's funny how even though I started taking Lillian to tea at 18 months, I never thought of having it at home. Thank you Cheryl!
Here is Lillian during one of our teas. I swear she didn't put on the dress for tea or the photo...she is going through a very feminine stage right now and dresses up for school like this. I had to stop her from going to school in her Christmas dresses! The apron, though, she did put on for tea. It belonged to my grandmother- Lillian is named after her. She was a registered nurse in the 20's and 30's. She wore the cap and the navy cape and everything! She would be so happy to see Lillian now. No matter what, she was always a lady and dressed like it too. :)
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Cheyenne's Baby Bunny

My 4th niece was born just this last Saturday! She didn't give her mom any trouble at all and has beautiful dark brown hair. I can't wait to get to know her! :) When my sister had her shower, I came across the sweetest bunny. She was pale pink, with vintage floral for the inside of her ears, the pads of her feet, and a heart patch on her hip. All lovingly embroidered on with brown floss. I had to have her, well, Cheyenne did anyway. I loved her so much that I wanted to paint her. And here she is...
She is on ebay right now and the church is on etsy. My Alice in Wonderland is done too and I will post about that soon! I am SO excited about her!
So the other thing I wanted to share is my current adventure with paper mache. I am trying to make it from scratch. I bought a shredder and have bags and bags of shredded paper now...boy does it feel good to shred...I feel like I am decluttering my life! I put the shred in a blender I bought just for this project...added lots of warm water and waited a few hours. When I went back to blend it, my blender immediately started smoking! Why do all my appliances want to catch fire?! :) Before it died, it managed to blend some of the paper and I tried smushing it on a wine bottle. I added the salt and glue too.
I set it should be dry in a few hours thanks to the Arizona sun...100 degrees yesterday! The rest is soaking some more in hopes of softening it up. It's bumpier than I expected, but I guess I'm supposed to sand it? I guess I'm just so used to paper clay, but I used almost a whole pack on my first bunny...not very budget friendly. Thought I'd save it for the details... Any tips or advice would be appreciated!
Thanks from Mere and Madeline (who is asleep on my lap!)