awarded me the Brillante Weblog Award for 2008. Thank you Kim!! :) Please check her out if you haven't already done so...I would love to spend just one day in her Halloween world...each character has such personality!
I'm late posting about this because I had such trouble thinking of who to pass the award onto...I mean, look at my blogroll folks...I am a regular reader of ALL of them and all are deserving! How could I just pick a few?
I have something in the works for another blogger friend of mine that will give everyone a little somethin' somethin, but in the meantime, I'm going to focus the fowarding of this award to painters. I know some of you have gotten this already, so feel no obligation to do it again, just consider it a tip of my hat to you! My sister, who just started a blog of her own (now if she would only show her quilts!), loves the artists that I have showed her and keeps asking where to find them. Well, sis, this is for you:
1) Jane DesRosier
2) Art of Wyanne
3) Noodle and lou studio
4) Time with Tascha
5) Audrey Eclectic
6) Adri's Art
7) Fischtales
8) ll*creations
9) little glimpses
10) Danita Art
11) Suzi Blu

Here are the rules:
1) Put the award logo on your blog
2) Introduce the person who nominated you and there blog name and link.
3)Nominate 7 other blogs along with links
4)Finally post a message letting the blogger know that you have just awarded with the Brillante Weblog Award.
Thanks again Kim! Can't wait to see how the bathroom turns out!
Hugs to all!