Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Day With That Red Furry Monster

My Madeline turned two...can you believe it? Has it really been a whole year since this?
Madeline has a very strong affection for that lovable furry monster known as Elmo. Don't you love the tutu?! It was made by a friend of mine that I used to work with a LONG time ago. Now she's all grown up and creating cute and adorable kid stuff! Her shop is here.Funny how kids pick what they like. Lillian was SO into the Wiggles and when Madeline was born, we assumed that we'd be pulling out those tapes again. Strangely, she had no interest in anything expect Elmo and the occasional story about the monkey and the man with the yellow hat!Our little girl loves to jump so an Elmo bounce house was the perfect activity for her. She was jumping all over, singing, "Happy Birthday to Me...Happy Birthday to Me!"
Lillian had some of her girlfriends there too! As I took these shots of them, I realized that they are not even "little" girls anymore. How did that happen so quickly?!

These were her invitations. I loved the idea of the red fur envelopes, but I was covered in it by the time I was done! I'm heading over to put some of these in my shop, as birthday cards, but also as invitations. Some of you may know one of my other hats is that of a children's party planner. Business for all inclusive parties have slowed, so at least I can offer bits here and there. :)

I'm off to hug my baby girl...she's growing up too fast!


Once Upon A Blue Crow said...

Love the tutu and the furry invitations-they're great :]

Anonymous said...

too cute!

Dapoppins said...

hummm I wonder at the cuteness compared to the cost-ness. But I bet you being all creative and thrifty, that your treats and elmo touches were wayyyyyy cheaper and more fun than any two hours at an insane Chuck-E-cheese party.

Victorian Lady said...

test...I can't leave comments on other blogs, so I'm testing my own. :)

Pease Porridge said...

That dress is awesome! And your little girl is very cute too.

Puddles of Grace said...

Elmo! I love it! That tutu is awesome! I could see that in all different Sesame St Characters!